
Below you can find my most relevant publications.

Policy reports

· Vidican Auktor, G. (forthcoming). The opportunities and challenges of Industry 4.0 for industrial development: A case study of the automotive and garment sectors in Morocco. Discussion Paper. German Development Institute /Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn.

· Vidican Auktor, G. and Loewe, M. (2021). Subsidy reforms in the Middle East and North Africa: Strategic options and their consequences for the social contract. Discussion Paper 12/2021. German Development Institute /Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn.

· Vidican Auktor, G. (2021). Green industrial development in the Southern Mediterranean: Harnessing opportunities. Barcelona: European Institute for the Mediterranean.

· Vidican Auktor, G. (2020). Green industrial skills for a sustainable future. Geneva: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).

· Vidican Auktor, G., Altenburg, T. and Stamm, A. (2020). The transition to a green economy and implications for quality infrastructure. Studies 102. German Development Institute, Bonn and Physikalish-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig.

· Hahn, T. and Vidican-Auktor, G. (2018). Industrial policy in Morocco and its potential implications for a new social contract. Discussion Paper 31/2018. DIE, Bonn.

· Vidican Auktor, G. (2017). Renewable energy as a trigger for industrial development in Morocco. In Altenburg et al. (Eds.). Green industrial policy for emerging countries. UNIDO and UNEP.

· Hahn, T. and Vidican-Auktor, G. (2017). The effectiveness of industrial policy in Morocco: The case of automotive sector. Discussion Paper. DIE, Bonn.

· Regeni, G. and Vidican-Auktor, G. (2017). The developmental state in the 21st century: Challenging the new social contract. Discussion Paper 4/2017. DIE, Bonn.

· Vidican, G. (2015). The political economy of reform fossil-fuel subsidies: A focus on the policy process. Policy report prepared for the GIZ. DIE, Bonn.

· Lütkenhorst, W., Altenburg, T., Pegels, A., and Vidican, G. (2014). Green industrial policy: Managing transformation under uncertainty. DIE, Discussion Paper 28/2014, Bonn.

· Breitschopf, B., Lehr, U., and Vidican, G. (2014). RE-Value Policies: Policy Instruments to Support RE Industrial Value Chain Development. Report for the IEA Implementing Agreement on Renewable Energy Technology Development (IEA-RETD).

· Vidican, G., Böhning, M., Burger, G., Müller, S., de Siqueira, E., and Wendt, S. (2013). Achieving inclusive competitiveness in the emerging solar energy sector in Morocco. Studies 79. DIE, Bonn.

· Vidican, G. (2012). Building domestic capabilities in renewable energy: A case study of Egypt. Studies 66. DIE, Bonn.

· Altenburg, T. and Vidican, G. (2012). Industrial development and employment promotion through renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies: International experience and policy options for Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Strategy paper contributing to the Mediterranean Solar Plan of the Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona.

· Vidican, G. (2012). Green electricity exports from the MENA region to Europe. Green Economy and Trade Opportunities, UNEP, November 2012.

· Al-Saleh, Y. and Vidican, G. (2011). The role of research universities in creating a clean-tech industry: Theory, international experience and implications for the United Arab Emirates. MIT-IPC Working Paper 11-002, Industrial Performance Center, MIT, Cambridge, USA.

· Lester, R., Reynolds, E., Martinez-Vela, C., Vidican, G., Colatat, P., and Dean, R. (2009). Massachusetts in the global economy: An initial competitive assessment of two key sectors. Final Report Prepared for the John Adams Innovation Institute, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. MIT Industrial Performance Center. Cambridge, USA.

Journal articles

· Dees, P. and Vidican Auktor, G. (2018). Renewable energy and economic growth in the MENA region: Empirical evidence and policy implications. Middle East Development Journal, 10(2): 225-247.

· Pegels, A., Vidican Auktor, G., Lütkenhorst, W., and Altenburg, T. (2017). Politics of green energy policy. Journal of Environment and Development. 27(1): 26-45.

· Carafa, L., Frisari, G., and Vidican, G. (2016). Electricity transition in the MENA: A de-risking governance approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 128: 34-47.

· Vidican, G. (2015). The emergence of an innovation system for the solar energy sector in Morocco: Governance challenges. Innovation and Development. 5(2): 225-240.

· Al-Saleh, Y. and Vidican, G. (2013). Innovation dynamics of sustainability journeys for hydrocarbon-rich countries. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 7(2): 144-171.

· Theeyattuparampil, V., Zarzour, O. A., Koukouzas, N., Vidican, G, Al-Saleh, Y., and Katsimpardi, I. (2013). Carbon capture and storage: State of play, challenges and opportunities for the GCC countries. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 7(2): 223-242.

· Theeyattuparampil, V., Vidican, G, and Al-Saleh, Y. (2013). Challenges and opportunities for the emerging carbon capture, utilisation and storage innovation system in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 13(3): 284-307.

· Vidican, G., Samulewicz, D., McElvaney, L. and Al-Saleh, Y. (2012). An empirical examination of the development of a solar innovation system in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Energy and Sustainable Development, 16(2): 178-188.

· Al-Saleh, Y., Vidican, G., Natarajan, L, and Varkey, V. (2012). Carbon capture, utilization and storage scenarios for the Gulf Cooperation Council region: A Delphi-based foresight study. Futures, 44(1): 105-115.

· Aswad, N. G., Vidican, G. and Samulewicz, D. (2011). Creating a knowledge-based economy in the United Arab Emirates: Realizing the unfulfilled potential of women in the science, technology and engineering fields. European Journal of Engineering Education, 8(6): 599-570.

· Rigter, J. and Vidican, G. (2010). Cost and optimal feed-in tariff for small scale photovoltaic systems in China. Energy Policy, 38, 6989-7000.

Books and book chapters

· Dees, P. and Vidican Auktor, G. (2018). Renewable deployment in the MENA region: Growth effects and explaining factors. In Pouran, H. and Hakimian, H. (Eds.) Environmental challenges in the MENA Region: The long road from conflict to cooperation. London: Gingko Library.

· Vidican Auktor, G. (2017). Energy security, sustainability and development in Morocco. In Jalilvand and Westphal (Eds.). Changing dynamics of energy: Political and economic challenges for the MENA region. Routledge Press.

· Vidican Auktor, G. (2017). Systemic interventions to achieve a long-term energy transition towards sustainability. In Bianco (Ed.) Analysis of energy systems: Management, planning and policy. Taylor and Francis.

· Vidican Auktor, G. (2016). Lessons from reforming fossil-fuel subsidies. In Young, M. and C. Essau (Eds.). Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resource Management: Guidelines for Policy Excellence. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management. Routledge Press.

· Vidican, G. (2015). Scaling-up renewable energy in North Africa. In Rubino et al. (Eds). Energy integration across the Mediterranean. Routledge Press.

· Vidican, G. (2014). Reforming fossil fuel subsidies in the MENA countries. In Pegels (Ed.), Green industrial policy in emerging economies. Routledge Press.

· Vidican, G. (2014). Renewable energy development in Egypt: The need for a new social contract. In G. Luciani and R. Farrouki (Eds.). The Political Economy of Energy Reform: The Clean Energy – Fossil Fuel Balance in the Gulf. Gerlach Press.